The common language amongst the Nigerian lecturers, teachers, instructors and the likes is; "YOU BETTER READ SO YOU CAN PASS", why?

I got so confused while trying to find an answer to this disturbing question, fortunately, I got a concluding answer not too long. "The Nigerian Educational system TEACHES AND NOT EDUCATE". The system teaches us to pass examinations and not for the application of what's being taught. Wonder-less most Nigerian student are good theoretically but not at practicals.

It's saddening because this does not in anyway improve the brain of a student, rather it restricts its capabilities to a particular horizon. That is, the brain of the student is constructed in a particular sequence: "Go to School - Pass Exams - Get a Good Job", That's all! It doesn't really improve the ability of a student to think out of the box.

In a nut shell, the Nigerian Educational system has involved herself in SCHOOLING rather than EDUCATION. Most Nigerian student literally are being passed through by schools and not them actually passing through the school, because, they actually understand little or nothing about their choice of study, rather all they prepare for is to pass examinations, getting an higher grade, in order to suit a better job! We are neglecting the study of the application of what is being taught in Nigeria schools!

Wonder-less Nigeria is poorly developing in inventions and innovations. We learn just theories! No practicals!, and the so-called practicals actually results to ALTERNATIVE-TO-PRACTICALS.

This is a cry to the governments, we need rehabilitation in the educational sector. We need to improve, we need to develop. Nigeria has got so many brains that needs just polishing, we've got innovative ideas amongst students that can make us move forward. Passing examination shouldn't be everything needed for testing knowledge, the application of what's known should also be considered.

This is my voice, this is my view. Nigeria can be made BETTER, the Educational system can be improved. We can make it Nigeria, YES WE CAN!

I am Emmanuel.

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