Footsteps in prints, marks of my direction
Charted path sought in mills of hushed tones
It gets louder with scorn and some kind words of envy
Here such folks do get green were those who till leave footprints

Sweat drops as ink,scribbling a manuscript of my hard work
Painting a legacy with colorful hues of a truthfull effort
Nevertheless streams of my eyes never cease flooding
Eroding my loosened hope and flashing my dreams
For adversities seek solace in the pride of humanity

Scavengers roam on the bowels of earth coughing out lies
Devouring even that which is fresh and dripping with energy
Yet i am a peasant in the farm of Master faith
For i believe one day my wages will be awarded

Let determination and passion secure my budding fruits
For amorphous eagles mastermind my decline
Their arteries burst with bad blood and viscous hatred
Attempting to destock the produce of my glorious fields
Hahahah may the very best embrace the enchanting blooms


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