Maami, aku oju mo re o
Se alafia ni ate ji se yii bayin?
I write this from the depth of my heart;
This piece I write after pondering and contemplating.
I know you've suffered a lot over the years for my education:
The common entrance you begged the headmaster to let me write,
The junior WAEC I wrote after your running from Ilorin to Ilobu,
And your only asset which you sold for my SSCE... Maami.

I'm in law now, a part III student of OAU.
I see you counting down-"4 years to go and my life shall change forever...
I shall eat from China wares and sleep on king-size beds,
Dresws like Queen Sheba for my daughter shall become a lawyer".
Who told you ma that I might not walk about the street begging for a job after the 6th year?
Who assured you that first-class is a direct ticket to the luxury of the world?
Maybe in Europe and North-America but definitely not in Nigeria of nepotism and tribalism.
For these reasons maami, I have thought
And indeed a thorough thinking it is that I have done.

I believe I'll make it because Efe did;
I'm highly optimistic because Olawale,  Chidima and the Guiness legends did.
It's just a 3 month show and I'll become a millionaire ,
Instead of completing 7 years and being sexually harassed for the post of a mere clerk.
Don't worry, if they tell you "abo iwe naa lo ka",
Just point at the Maltina Dance Hall Guys who only have O level results

I promise you mother, there will be nothing shameful about it.
I've only thought of bringing your dreams into reality,
10,000 after 6 hard years of studies can't buy you a queenly robe.
Or maybe a week on bikini would do at a beauty pageant competition
Then I'll be home with 2 million naira and a big-man's car,
But education maami is not a sure thing -it's a 50-50 game;
While some are favoured, some are terribly disfavored.
And I can't afford to put your dreams at a gamble,
Not for the days you wiped my tears
Each time the school bursar PURSUED me during school hours.

It's not my wish not to wear the wig and regalia,
But the wig and gown will get dusty when they ask me
Of whose daughter I am before employed at a chamber.
It's just a new ambition I nurture in a country like ours
Where they celebrate body shakers and soprano tweeters,
A broad-chested searcher and a mere temperament regulator.
When a single person quarters in all of these and crowns them
With a super degree they call 4.5 and above.
They'll merely shake hands with me and the people will scream for me,
But that will not suffice when you dream higher
And all I need is to put up for a competition,
Emerge winner, get the hand-shakes, screams and the very 0 raise to power 6.

Think it through maami just like I did,
I'm looking forward to hearing from you anytime soon.



  • MAAMI - Yoruba Name for MOTHER.
  • aku oju mo re o - Good Morning
  • Se alafia ni ate ji se yii bayin? - Hope this note met you well?
  • abo iwe naa lo ka", - Half Education/ Uncompleted Education.

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