Beaming with hope I woke up to the gentle rays of the sun,
and with smiles its outstretched arms embraced me,
predicting the arrival of an August visitor. Who would it be?
And what would be his mission?
Are questions that paraded my mind as my humble body stepped out of bed anticipating the arrival of my visitor.

On my way down the path that leads to the stream,
the owls hummed beautiful songs about your arrival,
the screeching of the crickets brightens my face as I gave a faint smile.
The water this morning looks calm and cool,
and alas!
In the middle of thoughts you caught me unaware!
Bringing calmness to my soul.
No creature present today would deny not feeling your presence.

Éyé Àdábà, thank you for visiting me...
But before you leave, do grant my wishes.
You're known for good deeds and the ability to bless,
You're known for kindness and warmness,
hospitality and good fortune you're known for.
Éyé àdábà, all this I don't ask from you,
But your presence everyday of my life is what I ask.
This wish I wished has being my wish since the day I decided to wish a wish from you.
 Come live with me, come reside in my abode, Éyé àdábà,
your place is found lacking in my life,
come fill the vacuum.
Only this I wish for,
 Éyé àdábà, grant it I pray,


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Today's Visitors.