Africa of today is divided into two school of thoughts concerning FEMINISM. A group supports the stand; with the notion that a woman has the same rights as a man with no iota of differences, while the second school stands vehemently against this notion.

For this, today I bring to you two Africans who speak with their pens, spitting their views on the subject matter. I bring to you;  JOSIAH AKPAN and ANNIEBIET EFFIONG

Either Whyke Anthology agrees to feminism or not, the decision depemds on our judges and you, the audience. Therefore place your votes accordingly with all sincerity as this wordlords begin their battle... Enjoy!

1) The judges decision takes 70% of the judgement while well wishes and lovers of poetry votes takes 30%.

2) Upon no circumstance must any of the above mentioned poets vote.

3) The contestants are urged to invite friends to vote for them using the commentsection of this post. No rule exempts you from canvassing for votes.

5) Voting lasts for 18 hours from commencement of Duel.

6) Vote using I VOTE POEM 1 or I VOTE POEM 2

7) Results would be uploaded briefly after the closure of votes.

Good luck to the wordlords.. LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!



(Of tales eves' long to tell)

When we stroll towards a closed door
You enjoy the holla " ladies first"
Thanks!!! but we really don't care
For if your minds are closed up about us
And you view us as the lower part of eve's descendants
Calling us weaker vessels
Even though these vessels bore you
Then it is no use!!!

You cry that our clarion cry has too many excesses
And that we sing drunken songs of disrespect
Laden with notes of lack of submission
We are not a movement!
For ours is an anti-movement
Opposing all that seeks to crush and maim and silence us
Ours is not a superiority complex
For that will only be giving a new name
To a Methuselah
We sing of equality
Of a right not to be wronged
By those whose only sense of purpose
Is the rod between their thighs
Who boast in broad shoulders and moustaches
And see an Adam apple as a ticket to supremacy
It is those we fight
I am more than a sum of my parts
And made for more....more than your parts

This is just a dress rehearsal
And yet you complain!!
Wait for more!
If our placards give you such massive heart attacks
What will you then do
When we boost the level to what you do to us.
We do not crave for power
We are far smarter than that
We only crave
That " Do to others what you want them to do for you"
Becomes the order of the day
That the golden rule remains ever golden
This is a gender agenda
Whose aim is the dearth of gender agendas
And to remind the world
That history is made up of other stories than "HIS story"
 ©Josiah Akpan


TITLE: Modern slave

she cooks and feeds you with delicious meals
Tidies the house and washes the plates
She is your laundry, not minding the scorching sun
Thats the work of an house wife they say
You have turned her to a fulltime house wife

Yet you're so blind to see all she does,
You say she is lazy,
You scold her anytime you feel like
You call her names
Who is she to talk when you talk?
If she talks, she's a termagant and disrespectful

You're now a well fuelled car
And she's the tyre
Punctured on several ocassion
You have torn her with your words into tiny shreds
You have torn her with your hands into debris

You only respect her at night
When you swim in the river in between her Thighs

The sea is no more blue and beautiful
The sun is no more shinning
The flowers are no more beautiful in the garden
She is nomore beautiful
Where are those sweet words yours?

Yesterday she was your african queen
Today she is your Libyan slave

Yesterday you were a gentleman
Today you're a beast in human clothing

Maybe all she needs is a revolution,
Yes, maybe you need to be revolutionised.



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