Have you ever being caught up in a dilemma of disgrace because of your colour? Have ever thought of the fact that life has being unfair for making you black due to the embarrassment you've been always subjected to when you travel to their country?

Have you ever wondered what's actually special in being white? And the stigma if being black?

Good news! For today I bring to you wordlords who'll be dropping words on this subject matter; RACISM. They'll be spitting words of encouragement and simultaneously writing against racism with the aim of lifting your soul out of that depression of being black. Enjoy!

1) The judges decision takes 70% of the judgement while well wishes and lovers of poetry votes takes 30%.

2) Upon no circumstance must any of the above mentioned poets vote.

3) The contestants are urged to invite friends to Vote for them using the comment section of this post. No rule exempts you from canvassing for votes.

5) Voting lasts for 18 hours from commencement of Duel.

6) Vote using I VOTE POEM 1 or I VOTE POEM 2

7) Results would be uploaded briefly after the closure of votes.

Good luck to the wordlords.. LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!



Title; For how long??

For how long do we have to stay mute?
For how long do we have to watch the old alms in the market square?
For how long do we have to fold arms to the killing and maiming?
For how long do we have to bear pains and groin?
For how long do we have to be victims of the massacred?
For how long do we have to accept blames of the guilt ones?
For how long do we have to cry of others agony?
For how long do we have to make mockery of oneself?
For how long do we have to build  houses and not ours?
For how long do we have to right the wrong of the wicked?
For how long do we have to see sinners unpunished?
For how long do we have to run helter skelter to survive this storm?
For how long do we have to shed blood of innocent?
For how long do we have to stop burying our children?
For how long do we have to commit immorality?
For how long do we have to kill unborn child for selfish gain?
For how long do we have to hate inborn?
How long?
How long do we have to love one tribe and detest the other?
When will this make a stop?
When will this make a stay?
Will this continue to be like this?
Will war break out any moment?
Will their be cord movement for unity?
For how long do we have to live under ruler ship of man kinds?
*For how long do we have to nurture  racism?
How long should there be a particular system to be followed?

Equity should be in place
Tranquillity Should exist
Let's live harmoniously
Togetherness is the key
Love is essential.

It's true the world is evolving but negativity shouldn't be the order of the day.
We've come a long way to recede we've come to rather yield positivity.
For how long I ask!
Let's discontinue with ill deeds
This is a call to order;  Hearken!
Let positivity be In play for as long as possible
It's rehab time
Pay attention

Chosen star


Title; "RACISM"

They were not real minority,
But Nazi regime of 1941 - 1945 made them a minority.
The German facts were based on superiority,
As gazzillions of Judaic was tag end with inferiority.

Final solution was witnessed by the Jews,
Even though nothing of sword was aimed by the Jews.
Yet still, decades preconception was their identity,
As prejudice ensued a mass murder of their identity.

Now tell me;
Why do we still exhibit disdain in terreneness?
Have we no future to arrive at in closeness?
When shall we appreciate the pigment of our skin?
And also cease in differentiating the wavelength of our hair?

Let's all know and comprehend the nature of our ethnicity,
For us to nurture a better and a last-longing city.
Enough of racism playing with human's life,
As we give racism an apopemptic death using an inhumane fight-knife!

Olawuyi, Blessing Ishola.



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