Funke! Funke!! Funke!!!
Your name takes me to the mountain's top
Sending shivers down my spine,
As I viewed mother earth's descendants
Overhead from my sight.

I viewed a hundred mile To and Fro,
The stretch of Africa I covered,
But its higgledy piggledy distribution
Sent disappointment to my heart.
Stone faced, fierce looking faces
Was what I could see,
Faraway across the Nike
I also saw death sailing its ship.

My eyes pierced through thin air
With the intensity of an eagle,
Still frustrated with the hatred
I perceived across the land,
But faraway somewhere in Ibadan
Funke, I found someone.

Someone whose tender hands drew me closer,
Whose outstretched arms I hid in
When confusion beckoned at me.
Her subtle words I slept on
When the night seems unending.
Her generosity keeps me wondering
If actually an human she is.

Of course she isn't human!
For she's a god,
A god of children,
Living in the land of humans.

Thank you Funke
For revealing your face
When I searched from the mountain.
This humble poet says;
Thank You.

Thank you Funke,
For your generous acts and encouraging words,
Thank you I say once again.

I am Emmanuel

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