Today, we want to flash into the past remembering the times of coup d'etat in various countries around Africa who gas experienced the ugly experience.

History brings to our notice that Togo was the first country in Africa to experience coup d'etat. Anyway, without much ado, two poets would be writing on the theme;BROKEN WALLS (In memory of Africa Past Coups)

Do your part in deciding who massacred the theme the most in his poem... Enjoy!

1) The judges decision takes 70% of the judgement while well wishes and lovers of poetry votes takes 30%.

2) Upon no circumstance must any of the above mentioned poets vote.

3) The contestants are urged to invite friends to Vote for them using the comment section of this post. No rule exempts you from canvassing for votes.

5) Voting lasts for 18 hours from commencement of Duel.

6) Vote using I VOTE POEM 1 or I VOTE POEM 2

7) Results would be uploaded briefly after the closure of votes.

Good luck to the wordlords.. LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!



.Broken walls

Been shattered and crushed in a broken mirror
Until I lost the last faith in an accident,
My spirit was sapped and furred with soft petals.

Humanity screwed and cornered me to the walls,
I thought it will be easier to break
But no it made me a male duck
Crying to find comfort in the hands of muckrakers but they hid the truth.

The first boom killed my mother
And create in me reasons to falter.
The second boom murdered dad in cold blood and the problem further.

My niece died of surgery 
Cut deep my arteries.
Left me in penury,
All this in my diary.

My story is a broken wall.

Ayobamiayanfemi @gmail.com
Chosen Star


Title: Broken walls: A story He learned.
(In memory of Africa past coups)

What does the schooler knows of coups?
Only that his kins were in soup.
So much he learned despite being a fetus.
He knew not the story,but glimpse of tales.

He knew too well, a feeling of agony he had in the SAC.

 A harsh shift in POWER!
He claimed to heard of a Gaddafi.
How bloody he took the reign from Idris l of Libya,
Of course! He learnt of a 40 years mainstay in might and Power.

The aim-ful arrow that blind his Kin.
A missile that shatter his family tree.
He learned what a MUG-A-BEE was;
The then-young  dictator of ZANLA.
A Bee who stung Power from RHODE'S.

To him is a lost of sense for lives.
A vengeance that never ends.
Granny told me of an IRONSI,he buffed.
A tall,disciplined,military Man.
Little he knew he wouldn't live to see,
What a bloody meal for GOWON to steal.

"We lost all to coups" He Screamed.
In the same wrinkled smile on his granny's, he's depressed.
The same way Nkrumah's family must have felt,
When Ankrah took over to first.



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