Arise o compatriots!!!!!

This isn't a clarion call to Nigerians alone but to the entire Africans, The blacks!!! It is disheartening to see and hear that our members in Libya are being sold off in this 21st century like regular products in an open market. Some are even auctioned and sold to the highest bidder by the Arabs only to be used as forced labour or sexual exploitation.

 I had thought racism was about to elope until the confirmation of the existence of this long dissolved abominable practice  spilled the Internet and shook the whole African entity making me ask myself; will the blacks ever be free?

 Although I am positive and simultaneously an optimist concerning this situation, but yet I still wonder; when will we be free from this tyrants. This tyrants holding our people in camps in anarchy ruled  post- Muammar Gaddafi Libya all because of their quest for greener pastures is uncalled for.

Whites will come to an African country, we  see them as tourists, but if the blacks go overseas we're always seen, treated and communicated with as immigrants, we pay taxes like no man's business, our movements is monitored and restricted and then finally to crown it all, we're now being forced to become slaves, starting right from one of our father's land, LIBYA!

Why should this be happening? Isn't it better to be Kings in our own land than to become slaves in another man's land? But how do these Africans get to Libya in the first instance?

According to reports, these vulnerable people's main destination is Europe, they risk everything to get to the Libya coast and cross the Mediterranean into Europe. These frightened young men from Sub-saharan Africa get trapped in Libya and at gun point or extreme torturing they become slaves to their masters who probably had been the highest bidder of the price attached to them.

Now, who do we blame? Though the Arabs are 200% wrong to engage in slave trade, my thirst for African freedom puts an higher percentage of blame on the so called immigrants who left their certified countries to transport themselves illegally all in the name of seeking for greener pastures.

Isn't it better to struggle doing even menial jobs in your country and live your own life; life of freedom, than to smuggle yourself like a contraband in another man's country.

It's non-negotiable that poverty has its own share of the deal but who says Fortune only lies abroad? It's high time we Africans stop seeing whites as superior. Blacks are not and shouldn't be inferior!

Let's rise to face this balderdash together! Let this slave trade stop! For slaves aren't we, but Kings and Queens who deserve a chance to live!


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