My eyes hath been filled with tears, for dead men are now the top stories in your magazines
and the land weepeth;
wherein blood it receiveth and now will my pleas not be heard? as I weep by the river bank, O Benue! Massacre hath been thy talk & weeping the nation's cry.
Stop the works of bloody men; for dead men's voice speaketh, crieth... Their voice echoes louder daily in my ears.

This great nation is blessed with the goodliest of gold and Nirvana resources
and stand to be her mate's crown to make her world a place of peace,
But the story hath been changed, and now feelings of insecurity's now love - everyone is falling into.

What could be the cause of this inhumane happenings?
Benue hath found herself in this moribund state, needing a cup of cold water to be re-birthed, and for peace to stay in her land.

News round about the town of how herdsmen waste lives of men as tho' of a bird;
and countryman's abode doth look like a prison. Is not our father's land a home of peace? Why dost evil rages?

Benue, why hath thy cry be heard as sounds of rushing water?
Thy great men falleth wherein no strength to play the beatific lay!
Humans need to be protected and secured; and made to be in comfort of peace, and live like a King all her days.
This privilege is stolen,
Thus, let your agile left men arise and fight for the land,
for the past will be forgotten like the dawn and a new sun will shine.
Benue weep no more, for thy life hath been preserved and thy land's now the shining gold.


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