Whyke Anthology: Good afternoon sir.

Poet Justice: Good afternoon.

Whyke Anthology: I'm a correspondent from Whyke Anthology...

Poet Justice: Okay. I'm Glad having you here.

Whyke Anthology: Thanks. Please can you introduce yourself?

Poet Justice: My name's are Adejare Hammad Ademola oluwashinaayomi, popularly known as Justice. I am the first of seven children of my family. I was born in Oyo town in South-west Nigeria.

Whyke Anthology: Okay. Please when did you start poetry?

Poet Justice: Right from a tender age. I can say during my secondary school days of which I started by writing love letters... Kind of naughty my dear.

Whyke Anthology: Oh that cool... Are you specialized in some areas of poetry or are you good in all?

Poet Justice: All round.

Whyke Anthology: But you should have a area where you are weak sir...

Poet Justice: Weak? Well, I can't say I have, because I've never forced myself to write. The muse leads me.

Whyke Anthology: If that be the case sir, What then can you say about those poets who force themselves to write poem?

Poet Justice: Humm! Well I can't blame them, because they don't understand what poetry entails. But, Mind you, we have lots of poets out there who have strong passion for poetry but are in haste to make it to the top.‬

We youths of today are affected with a lot of things; hunger for power, fame, money, recognition, amongst others.

Whyke Anthology: So in your own view, forcing one's self  to write is wrong?

Poet Justice: Yes! You'll make lots of errors.

Whyke Anthology: Errors like?

Poet Justice: You are inquisitive! (Chuckles)... Well, when a poet forces him/herself, there would be a misunderstanding in the readers mind. Also looking at the aesthetics, the poem may lose its beauty.

Whyke Anthology: Hmm... Sir, How long have you been in the poet's world?

Poet Justice: I can say for 10 years now.

Whyke Anthology: What is your biggest achievement?

Poet Justice: Poetry has always granted me my heart desires. My greatest achievement so far is that; have being able to give birth to a new society with poetry. Changing lives.

Whyke Anthology: But with the look of things in our society, Africa to be precise, it's like the society is not really acknowledging poetry like it did before. What's your view on this?

Poet Justice: Indeed the society believes poetry is not productive! Even poets think alike! But much should be done and we have been doing that with what we have within us.

Whyke Anthology: Do you think it is the society's faults or that of the poet?

Poet Justice: I wouldn't want to put any blame on the society but to the poet's world generally. We have renowned poets, but they aren't ready to help the upcoming ones because of there self interest. They really don't want competition.

The only solution is joining hands together, Building a strong platform which could help promote what we do.

Whyke Anthology: Oh I think you are right! But sir, what help do you render to poets?

Poet Justice: We have lots of individuals out there who have passion for poetry but gave up due to lack of funds, plagiarism, e.t.c

Whyke Anthology: Yes... But sir, what help do you render to the newbie poet?

Poet Justice: Have done a lot so far and am not giving up.

In line with this, I founded an organization (Horn Of Afroclassical poet) In which we promote poetry, creativity and African culture. Most of the things we do is going around giving motivational talks which could inspire those who have passion for poetry.

Also on August 19th 2017, The above organization held a Poetry festival but yet we still have lots to be done.

Whyke Anthology: That's good to hear sir. Also sir, what advice do you have for newbie poets?

Poet Justice: Horn of Afroclassical poet is a litera-cultural organization that excites the poetical world with intellectual poems garnishing it indigenous condiments exhumes aroma of "back to roots"

Whyke Anthology: This must be a great organisation!

Poet Justice: Let us be mentally awake and put ourselves on a mental diet. Let's ask ourselves "can we become great doing this job? Let's think beyond where other people's thought stops. Task your brain and strive to be different. Let cultivate the habit of thorough work... Hence, you should ask yourself this question which goes thus; "why do you live?"

Whyke Anthology: Hmm...Can you share with us the challenges you faced when coming up has a poet?

Poet Justice: There are lots of challenges. From family, friends...
I've been called many names even some called me a "mad man"..

People never believed in what am doing. Some challenges can't just be explained, but know that everyone has a story to tell yet no one is ready to listen to it. Then you better let go the story.

Whyke Anthology: What keeps you overcoming this challenges? Because a poet out there might be in same shoes.

Poet Justice: I already said it's a complicated one which I won't want to dig in.

But I most say it hurts when my girlfriend left me because she thought poetry is turning me to a mad man as people called me, yet I still held unto the name, the name of poetry. And Anytime I'm called a "mad man', my reply is always; "I'm indeed a madman, but a madman man with prophecy and vision".

Whyke Anthology: I know this little story will really motivate other poets.

Poet Justice: â€¬Yes it should. Fellow poets should also have it at the back of their mind that, Nothing can push you down if you believe in God and strongly believe in yourself.

What keeps me going is seeing the light in what am doing and believing in myself.

Whyke Anthology: That's a great one I must say. Anyway sir, What other writing are you involve in apart from poetry?

Poet Justice: â€¬Motivational.

Whyke Anthology: Can you tell us the meaning of poetry in your own view?

Poet Justice: â€¬To me, poetry is an imaginative and creative invention. It tells morald and serves as a guide to live a righteous life.

Whyke Anthology: Okay. But Do you also agree that poetry is a diary?

Poet Justice: Yes I do. Poetry is the history of the past and present happenings.

Whyke Anthology: It's really good to have you here Sir. But Before we go, what advice do you have for us at Whyke Anthology?

Poet Justice: â€¬What advise can I give to a great organization with good initiative again?

Whyke Anthology: We look up to poets like you, so any advice you give us will be really considered as a good one.

Poet Justice:‬ This mad man is speechless!

Whyke Anthology: That's funny.... Anyway thanks for your time.

Poet Justice: Really! The pleasure is all mine.

Remember,don't give up on your dreams. Because a goal is a dream with a deadline.

Also, endeavour to please write to leave a question which readers and poet most answer

Whyke Anthology: Okay... Thanks sir

Poet Justice: â€¬The pleasure is all mine.


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