60 Minutes With Waheed Musah ( Hafrikan Prince)

Many amongst African poets don't know where they belong and this has led to writings in Africa loosing its face. Poet Waheed Musah, President of Afruca Poets sheds more light into Poetry and Writing generally in Africa during this 60min tour interview held with him by our correspondent.

Whyke Anthology: Good evening sir.

Waheed Musah: Nice to meet you my hero. Hope you are doing well.

Whyke Anthology: Please can you introduce yourself...

Waheed Musah: I am Waheed Musah, known as Hafrikan Prince, multi awards winner from Ghana. One of African's finest Sessional speaker writer, poet, dramatist, Play wright, Global peace and culture activist. The 5 Star Golden General of the world. The first Ghanaian to be appointed World Union of Poets President for Africa and General Counsel of the world Union of Poets for the world. Also first Ghanaian to be appointed Chief representative of the world nations writers Union in Ghana from Kazakhstan. Ambassador of Peace by world institute of Peace from Nigeria ,Founder and CEO of Hafrikan Prince Agency and Go Kurative Africa- GOKA.

Whyke Anthology: Oh that's great!

Waheed Musah: Yes my Hero.

Whyke Anthology:Sir how have you been writing?

Waheed Musah: I started writing long time ago, but made it a serious profession three years ago.

Let say I've been writing for long, like 9 to 10 years,I made it a profession 3 years ago.

Whyke Anthology: What aspect of writing can you say you are good at sir?

Waheed Musah: Story, Poetry, Drama, Play and Articles.

Whyke Anthology: With someone like you in Africa, yet poetry has not been progressing well, what do you think is the cause? Taking a look at our society do you think the poet are to be blame??

Waheed Musah: Poetry is progressing. We should learn to write not because we want to write but we want to make a difference with our pieces.

Whyke Anthology: The question here is that- are we writing to create a business within it or we are writing because is an hobby

Waheed Musah: If we are able to explain passionately  why we are writing than we will be able to operate within the directions and we will surely  make a life about of it. There are many elements that goes into making writing a profitable one not just an hobby.

Whyke Anthology: "We should learn to write not just we want to write but we want to make a difference." Can you please shed more light on that sir?

Waheed Musah: Some writers write because writing is just an hobby nothing more nothing less. And some write because they want to stand in the writing world as stars and celebrated celebrities. And they are making real money out of their art.

A writer will also need  to make writing his or her hobby in other to write to make a difference

Whyke Anthology: Then the side you're siding at, is writing to make a difference? A writer will also need  to make writing his or her hobby in other to write to make a difference?

Waheed Musah: Writing as an hobby involves two elements; Are you writing because you can play with words or you are writing because you can use your pieces to transform lives.

Whyke Anthology: Writing to transform lives is not a work you can wake up a day and start doing, so we think that can't be a hobby but a work of determination?

Waheed Musah: That is why I explained it above clearly that "if we are able to explain passionately why we are writing than we will be able to operate within the directions and we will surely make a life out of it".

Whyke Anthology: Then according to your explanation sir, the problem now is that the writers we have now don't know what part they belong ??

Waheed Musah: Yes. Because, if you want to make writing a business then you have to learn how to make business out of writing.

Whyke Anthology: Making business out of writing  can you explain that?

Waheed Musah: First thing is to understand your strength and weaknesses

Know the areas you are good at.
Develop consciousness of your art

Create a vision, mission, short and long objectives within your interest

Learn to brand yourself
Promote yourself

And consistency and create the  market,

Whyke Anthology: Do you think a writer who writes for  business can  transform lives?

Waheed Musah: Business doesn't involve money only. Recognitions, Awards, Greatness, and Achievements.

Because all these will bring the money.

And that is when you will know weather you are progressing or not progressing.

The measurement becomes the  business scope And other world will start to recognize you as brand not your writing any more

Whyke Anthology: We now understand sir. Thank you for the enlightenment. But what  aspect do you think the writers in Africa need to stand  because writing in Africa is loosing is face.

Waheed Musah: When we are loosing the culture and tradition in our society. It surely affects our literary Art. Africa is known for her richness in literary art. Because our art is full of wisdom, Spirituality and consciousness. But today everything is gone and dead. That is the reason why we are loosing the science of Contemporary African literary art today
Whyke Anthology: Can you share with us some of the challenges you faced while coming up has a writer??

Waheed Musah: Writing good English was one of my biggest challenge  as a writer

Whyke Anthology: Share with us how you overcame this challenge, because one of the readers out there can be facing this.

Waheed Musah: It's not really important to know how to writing good English before you can become a great writer, but you can learn to advance yourself which is very good. But if you don't know how to write good English, don't worry, and never discourage yourself, you are the reason why we have Editors. Get an editor to help you edit your pieces any time you write.  Get a friend who is good in editing and he or she will help.

Whyke Anthology: What keeps you to writing when you're faced with different problems?

Waheed Musah: My visions.

Whyke Anthology: Can you give us meaning of poetry in your own word?

Waheed Musah: Poetry is simplifying the complexity of nature for consciousness to be established. To make life meaningful and purposeful to man

Whyke Anthology: That's a good one!

Waheed Musah: Thank you My hero

Whyke Anthology: When you want to write sir, which area do you start with?

Waheed Musah: I start to think of the topic and create a concept.

Whyke Anthology: Do you think that's an easy aspect in writing?

Waheed Musah: Yes, Cause it is part of writing.

Whyke Anthology: Also sir, Will you advice someone who doesn't have the flair for writing but has this strong desire to write go into writing??

Waheed Musah: Yes i will. If and only if I'm ready to guide the person through.

Whyke Anthology: That means it is less advisable for someone that don't have flair for writing to go into writing.

Waheed Musah: The passion must be there first, If not, it's going to be war! Literary war.

Whyke Anthology: Oh really? But we think all that matters is determination

Waheed Musah: And consistency...

Thus, determination and consistency is what matters for all writers.

And having vision, mission and short and long term objectives surrounding it.

Whyke Anthology: I think it is a tedious work to become a writer with the things you afore listed..

Waheed Musah: Easy, It's just modernization. To help you become very powerful beyond measures in the literary world. Also will keep you on track.

Whyke Anthology: What advice do you have for a newbie in the literary world?

Waheed Musah: He or she should follow any renowned writer to learn.

Whyke Anthology: Wow!... It's being a wonderful time with you sir.

Waheed Musah: The pleasure is mine.

Whyke Anthology: Thank you once again. Bye.

Waheed Musah: Welcome My Hero.


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