This duel is dedicated to all Xenophobias' victims in Africa. We, over here feel your pains, do find these words here as soothing balms to your broken souls.

1) The judges decision takes 70% of the judgement while well wishes and lovers of poetry votes takes 30%.

2) Upon no circumstance must any of the above mentioned poets vote.

3) The contestants are urged to invite friends to Vote for them using the comment section of this post. No rule exempts you from canvassing for votes.

5) Voting lasts for 18 hours from commencement of Duel.

6) Vote using I VOTE POEM 1 or I VOTE POEM 2

7) Results would be uploaded briefly after the closure of votes.

Good luck to the wordlords.. LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!




You splashed my blood on walls that were about to colapse and die.
 walls surrounding the ghetto you made me resort to
while you took the smell of me
as a threat to your living.
you acted as though I was a breathless zombie
with a heart stealing away the oxygen
your heart wanthed to breath.

mum keep encouraging me to keep my head up
but a knock on the head is too much
to bury my head in the pool of inferiority
while being bullied by five beardless boys.
hate crime was the food that got the best taste on their
you treated my sister like a wolf that munched on your
you went pass between her thighs with no permission
as though it was a public walk way.

now I walk the street like an invisible image without a
you made me sit behind the closed door
waiting for angelic spirit to bring my dailybread
cause a penny I earn is a bankrupt to your thinking.
you made my dreams inexpressible like a black and
white artwork
till they die like an aborted baby
whose dreams were remould into a daydream.


TITLE; Xenophobia: A Mother's Nightmare

Oh! Mother
Let me go to viewing the world,
The world that I'd yearned to see,
Ever since I peeped through your thighs,
Ever since I got the first breathe of life.

Oh! My son
I would like you to seeing,
To tour the world in 90 days,
To see where the sea walks
And the land flows,
To see where the tortoise runs
And the frog crawls,
But scared I'm, my son.

Oh! Mother
Let me go!
And I shall tell you about the world in full,
I shall tell you of the brother of my race,
I shall tour deep into my fathers' realms.

Oh! My son
I'm scared of the leopard,
Who perceives the jaguar as not its kin.
Scared of the tiger,
Who sees lion as not a roaring cat.
I'm scared you would be feared–
Because of your color,
I'm scared you would be repugnant.
I'm not settled my son,
I'm scared you would be scared.

Oh! Mother (In tears)
Why is it like that?
Why should I be afraid to roam my land?
The land of my gone fathers?
Do I even have the voice to say I'm black?
Are these the reasons you never left?



  1. Thanks to all who voted. Voting has closed.


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