I love the me I am becoming, but when I reminisce, I give utmost gratitude to God for making me meet you. Although I was young then and can't remember much, buy my instincts tells me you brought change and progress into my life. My childhood days wouldn't have been splendid and awesome if you weren't in the picture. The past I had with you brings me hope and joy when their memories play in my head.

We are growing older and more mature day after day, but my heart seems not to outgrow you, you've being with me through different trying times and down moments, if you hadn't being there maybe there would have being doom. I am really grateful for having you  having you as my friend.

All through the year before now, have being thinking of a valuable gift I could present on your special day, but my mind was empty till I put my pen on paper to produce this gratitude note. Dear friend, although this isn't enough way to wish you on your birthday, but with a sincere mind and happy heart, I wish you a glorious Birthday.

Continue ageing with grace and fulfillment of destiny. Happy Birthday once again!

I am Emmanuel

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