For your love boils in my heart
Like a storm on fire,
And your heart pricks mine
When distance smiled at us,
So I came with a plan
To connect our heart,
And like a beast in the forest
Not ready to give my pen a rest
I came up with something light.

Something light to ease our pain,
Agony and fear that exist between us,
For distance is but and enemy,
An enemy to our love,
But assurance is all I give
Through this piece,
This piece I call something light.

Abike, make this distance your night,
Night that has an end,
For sorrows might endure for a night,
But joy cometh in the morning,
As this sorrow of love existing between us
Definitely has an end.

Something light is all I can write you,
To ease your mind
And caress your soul,
For I, your lover isn't lost
In the laps of Jezebel.

Something light I write you today Abike,
For I, your lover misses you,
And silently I pray
That this night called distance
Meets its end.

I am Emmanuel


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