Like a one billion fur
Does he trap every thorn
Strapped on the his scapular.
With toad eyes does he stare
With porcupine steps
Slaughtering his height
In blades of the partitioned night
Whose day and night are macho dripping sweat of the moon .

See on the extreme hardcore earthen covers
The carbon copy of someone
Pregnant on the back
Like a hernia of the back
Left untreated from an infant day till death.

He has glue finger tips
Like the phlegm of Shea nuts
That sweep every gloss.
Prune shooting flowers
By sucking their honey
Whose making he not knot
But very operational like a vampire bat.

Jewellery in box
Nickles in pans
And aluminum below the earth
Even when it is in the gizzards,
Their lives are but snails pacing across the road.

©Fuseini Dipantiche Mohammed Naporoo Kamaldeen Shitobu (Creative Thinker)

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