A LOST BOY & THE POEM ATTACHED (For a friend en route to Algeria)

At sea, a forgotten poem and its title
Has the ascent of the future
sealed on the staircase of his lips.

At sea, a lost boy looks back at home - solitude
In the face of the inner room
& gazed inside his hatched memories.

The sun bleached its light on his skin,
pretending not to be forgotten
on the shore of the runaway moon.

At gun point,
The unprepared massacre in his eyes occurs round his back
& creeps into yesterday's future.
& so here, you're a foreigner too with a foreign poem
& with an exiled language from the cruelty of a smile in its heyday.

We dragged the past during the takeover.
It was the night we watched,
The night stains awash herself
in the blood crawling in Conakry en route to his ancestors.

A lost boy - a dream seeker
we lost at the birth of this poem
& now it's incomplete like an
unmarried widow...

Lost boy with an invisible dream;
The new kid from a forgotten village And her forgotten name,
Having the ascent of the future sealed on the staircase of his lips.

The queer boy at sea
Lost in the chamber of his tears
Now attaches his dream as a waistband to his runaway fate
At sea en route to death.

© Karn Jeremy Karn

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