If the deep blue sea is not an option, then one must befriend the devil. But when being between the deep blue sea and the devil is a choice, then too many questions arises for the same mind. What now resonates across the melodramatic political scene in Ghana is the recent US-Ghana Military Agreement.
The. United States no doubt has a long running history with Ghana, ranging from joint military operations to provision of military training. A major intrusion into the country's internal affair was in February 1966, when America and the Central Intelligence Agency helped in the overthrow of Kwame Nkrumah. A foray into the recent 2018 defense cooperation agreement which had heated up the polity beginning from May this year, tell one that the Ghanaians has more than enough to worry about.
What is eye-catching in the agreement from which Ghana(one country among so many Donald Trump called a '''shithole''') tends to benefit $20 million as investment to equip her military, seems in incongruous to a mutual relationship. At least, the protesting Ghanaians thinks so. From the agreement, the US military and it's PMC(Private Military Contractors) are not supposed to lay taxes. Needless to say PMCs ain't government regulated and necessarily don't answer for damages caused by them. Further, the US military is given certain territories which it's entry and exit is controlled only by them. Also, the agreement will allow for importation of equipments not subject to inspection by the Local security. In addition, usage of the Ghanian airwaves are free. The foreigners will also be allowed to drive on the Ghanian Street without license. What is most irking for the locals is that, the Defense Minister wants the citizens to think that the assertion of a U.S military base is baseless.
As one would expect, this is an opportunity for the NDC opposition to traduce the government. But why it seems the NDC has no moral right to think for any Ghanian at this point, is founded on a similar agreement signed in the year 1998 under J.J Rawlings and in 2015. And so the plot to establish a U.S military base in the country is a show that has been on the dark side of Ghana. How necessary is the U.S military presence in a seemingly peaceful country?, is one question that can't be fathomed.
The U.S will always want to turn out hegemonic even in a foreign soil. And so the average man need no premonition to predict the kind of cataclysmic event that awaits all when the going goes wrong. Thereby, giving credence to Murphy's law which states "...anything capable of going wrong will go wrong".
Predictably if the show goes on, Ghana's sovereignty would be redefined. Also, FREEDOM might take a shift from the opinion of Mark Knopfler who said "... I don't like definitions, but if there is a definition of freedom, it would be when you have control over reality to transform it, to change it, rather than having it imposed on you. You can't really ask for more than that". Of course, this are peace times. For it to remain so, the heart must continue to be troubled with striving not to be between the deep blue sea and the devil.
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