Africa, who did we offend!

This is a viral picture showing a Cameroonian official commissioning an ATM. ATM for crying out loud! Who does that!

Would we say the citizens are brainwashed or the official is fooling himself? Who exactly is fooling who?

Africans, it is high time we stopped being cajoled by reasonless & unthinkable acts by our government officials. ATM! Wait, would we count this also as an achievement of this administration or what! This is foolishness!

Even, see how ceremonious this commissioning looks like. Is this happiness? Or?...

For me, this is another plot to embezzle money by the affected official. Because, definitely would they budget for the amount to be spent for the commissioning.

Also, apart from the embezzlement, is this official the MD of a bank?

Community hall wasn't commissioned, neither was road but ATM. Even if this is a pressing need in that community, does it still need to be commissioned? Why can't the government rather invite a bank to establish a branch in that area, or better still establish a governmental bank which would even be generating more legal revenue to the government. Can't they think! Where are their special advisers!

This is even confusing and unanalyzable. But Africa, it's high time we spoke out and confront this stupid things our officials are are doing. This itself is terrorism; They're terrorizing our intelligence.

Let's speak! Let's act! How I wish youths present during this commissioning could lead a peaceful protest at the spot, thereby disrupting the act.

Truth be told, this man needs to be flogged!


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