Because we fear for decades, we lost our pride and dignity. The beast is devouring us on daily bases yet we can't do anything, just because we fear. The life of our kids are at stake, their freedom is shaking, the picture of their future is blur, all because we fear.

The army worms has taken over, the streets is scary. Death strolls around town with no one to confront him, just because we fear. Our blood now tastes sweet, sweeter than honey in the tongue of our predator yet no one to stand for us, just because we fear.

Politicians has taken over natural disasters exploiting days after days, looting our wealth to their ever expanding pockets, yet our Moses isn't responding, just because we fear.

Just because we fear, Our fathers die of threat, our mothers are dying of weariness, our children die of hunger caused by the callous act of our leaders. God has decided to keep quiet until we speak for ourselves, but reverse is the case just because we fear.


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