Run the race of destiny with speed and accuracy. Enemies wouldn't want you to prosper, but your hard work and consistency would guide you through their secret plots against you.

You can only be stopped if you believe you can be. Your destiny lies in your belief. Your belief leads to self proclamation, and what you proclaim results to manifestation. Thus, never believe you can fail due to the enemies plans against you, but believe you can make it irrespective of the obstacles that comes your way.

Therefore, Believe it and proclaim it, work towards it and achieve it. Your destiny depends on you and you alone. It's Your negative believe and thoughts that allows space for the plans of the enemies to manifest.

Shun bad thoughts and embrace Successful ones. The future is bright only for those who believe. I know you can succeed, I know you can make it. Just believe it and proclaim it. Yes You Can!


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