Over the weekend an interrogative section was held with a proud African man, from Nigeria, and most importantly a poet, Poet Akinwemimo Idris. His name isn't new in the world of poetry and without much ado, let's move straight into the interview.

Whyke Anthology: Good day sir... Please can the audience get to know you more.

Poet Idris: Good day to you too, I am Poet Akinwenmimo Idris and also the founder and president of NIBSTEARS Poetry Cave.

Whyke Anthology: Okay sir... So, how did you start writing?

Poet Idris: I started writing around 20 years ago... I was being inspired by my blood brother... A poet.

Whyke Anthology: That's cool... In what type of atmosphere do you love writing?

Poet Idris: Cool, silent and musical... (Blues).

Whyke Anthology: Alright... What have been the challenges you faced as a writer?

Poet Idris: Nothing more than the fact that I brood on the nature of our readers... They look for beautiful poems than the messages in those poems. They do forget that POETRY is like a journal wherein secrets could be kept.

Whyke Anthology: Hmm, that's really true. So Sir, What aspect of poem are you good at?

Poet Idris: I write romantic poems... Metaphisical ones as well.

Whyke Anthology: That sounds wonderful!... By the next five years sir, what impact do you think your writing will have on Africa as  Whole

Poet Idris: Positive impact.. Only if readers change their habits of reading the message.

Whyke Anthology: What's your main aim of writing?

Poet Idris: To improve the lives of people and to promote poetry... That is the main essence I founded NIBSTEARS POETRY CAVE in 2015

Whyke Anthology: Okay sir, but ever since you started writing what impact do you think your writing has on your environment

Poet Idris: I founded NIBSTEARS POETRY CAVE in 2015 , I started poetry contest project in 2016. Three poets came out as the winners of the contest, at Nibstears, we awarded them with cash prize accordingly. Besides, Nibstears do call for submission on issues affecting this society, we do that under A NEW HOME FOR AFRICA. In addition, I initiated a poetry school under Nibstears Poetry Cave which I called NIBSTEARS POETRY SCHOOL. We hold weekend classes and we award certificate.

Whyke Anthology: That is so great of you sir!... I mean, it's wonderful.

Poet Idris: Thank You.

Whyke Anthology: "The road to success
Is like the road to hell,
Broad and short
Yet, nearer i go,
But success seems to be asleep.

Traveling 50years and still
On the road,
Short and broad,
Dangerous road.

Many had been on the road
Ever since they saw the light,
But still success seems to
Be asleep.

When i get to you,
I will say to your face...
You proud animal,
Come to us
And let see your ugly face"

Whyke Anthology: What impact do you think this poem can have on the readers and what do you think about the poem

Poet Idris: Firstly, who owns this?

Whyke Anthology: A friend of mine... What do you think?

Poet Idris: There is brevity in the poem... One of the beauties of poetry is brevity.. A poem should be able to deliver message with fewer words. The poem is nice.

Whyke Anthology: Thank You... What is your biggest achievement  has a writer?

Poet Idris: My biggest achievement as a writer is the prowess I am being endowed with to be able to touch drama, prose and poetry. I am a poet, my poems are being published in many journals and anthologies in Nigeria and abroad. I am a poet, I have a poetry foundation to promote poetry... I am a poet, I have a poetry school for those who need poetry.. I am a poet, I have people around me who work with me at Nibstears Poetry Cave... Poets like Ansel George, Awwal Kareem, Damcal and the rest. I am a story writer because I have a novel I have written in my language which is on crime... I am an actor because I act on stage at several states.

Whyke Anthology: This is stunning!... You're indeed a star Sir.

Poet Idris: Thank You.

Whyke Anthology: My humble pleasure...Also sir, what advice do you have to upcoming poet?

Poet Idris: The advice I have is for them to follow ONLY a rational tutor of their choice in poetry.

Whyke Anthology: Okay sir...Do u think African writers have a future?

Poet Idris: Yes we do. Only is we could go back to the root of Africanism and Blackism. Let us be treating our issues with our words.

Whyke Anthology: Its been really nice having a chat with you... Anyway, to round it up, do you think Africa stage drama is influencing us positively.

Poet Idris: Stage play is the best not the home videos.

Whyke Anthology: Wow!... It's really being a nice time having this session with you. Thanks for granting us audience and also for soaring your time.

Poet Idris: You're welcome.

Whyke Anthology: ...and we hope that next time we call on you, you'd respond to our call.

Poet Idris: Definitely!

Whyke Anthology: Thank you once again, bye for now.

                  THE END.

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