15/11/2016 - 25/9/2017

Can you recall?
That night beside the pool
Where I found beauty in your eyes
The beginning of my joy...
I found love.

I talked while you concurred,
Forming a cord I thought couldn't be broken,
I thought I found love,
Love that wouldn't die.

Your words pierced into my soul,
Sinking down into my heart.
Your promises I can't forget,
Your dreams would forever be memories
Playing in my head.

Past days brings tears to my eyes,
Forming shadows of regrets,
Regrets of loving.

I thought you loved me,
Because you said so,
But why did distance become an obstacle,
An obstacle to loving me.

Distance why me!
I went faraway to search fortune,
Yet you dealt with my love,
Shattering my heart.

Dates with you forever would I keep,
Memories would I store up in my head.
Your pictures would I engrave
In the silent part of my heart,
Hoping for you to come,
Come once again to love me,
For, 15/11/2016 was the beginning,
And  25/9/2017 marked the end.

I am Emmanuel

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