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Tade woke up with groans and pains in his joint to the early morning wake up devotion prayer from the hostel Christians. At night it is always them that would plague him with their speaking in tongues of a thing.

Yesterday was such a long night as memories of the past days plays in his head throughout. From class, to strolling through the polytechnic, Ibadan just because he is avoiding T-baba and his lot and as if that isn't enough, Just two days ago T-baba scared his wits by threatening him with cultism or, was he just kidding. Anyway, Tade forced himself to stand up and yawned while stretching his weak arms.

Tade stays in one of the singular rooms in Unity hostel just to keep his privacy. In his ND days he happens to find himself among troublesome boys. They'd shout and argue from football, to religion and politics. Among those he had lived with, Akeem and John were the most interesting. They would argue on which course is better, lucrative and has more cabals between SLT (Science Laboratory Technology) and Computer science. After which they'd move to religion war and then ethnic war. These two were the perfect example of brainwashed Africans who can kill for a god that doesn't exist.

Tade walked towards the standing mirror in his room. It was dawn and cold. His hairs were rough and he looks lean. When talking about schools Tade always find himself laughing when people tease Polytechnic students, calling them dullards and University rejected, but nobody apart from them knows the shits they are going through. From file submission to some other numerous challenges.

Few hours later Tade was on his way out for sightseeing. He walked pass the poly water towards "Iya Sega" there he saw students having their fill, this is a normal routine for students who are to busy to cook an early morning meal for themselves. Whenever he passes this side, pity grips his heart for those old women working as workers there. They are working for the person that is like a younger sister to them, what a sad world.

For hours Tade keep strolling through the school without any particular place he had in mind to go. He inserted his earpieces into his ears and then click on Eminem's gut over fear as he found a resting place under a shade as he sings along with the song playing in his head;
"I was afraid to make a single sound
Afraid I would never be found
I don't wanna go another round
Cos an angry man's power will shut you up
Trips wire on a trip to love
Cos here am I and I will never run!"
"You're not going anywhere before nah" Someone said from behind bursting into a threatening laughter. Tade knew he was in for it today and almost immediately he stood up to leave but the person grabbed his right hands as if ready for an attack. "Leave me Sola" Tade said. "I don't think so, will you follow me or let us create a scene?" Sola asked as he gave a dead smile.

Sola is a short but well built fair young man. He has a small scar on his cheek, the scar which some said was given to him during a cultist war, although none was sure of that. Tade followed him as they started walking around the school again.
"Where are we going?" Tade asked as he saw it was night already. "To the nowhere" Sola responded with a chuckle, sending Tade silent while they walked into the forest and started going aimlessly.

The leaves were wet from the rain that fell the previous day. Frogs croaks and the sound of insects filled the forest. After minutes that seems like hours they got to a glade. "Aooohooo!!" Sola shouted while making a cup like shape with his hands on his mouth. Suddenly boys dressed in blacks started jumping down from trees trunks and amidst the bush.

"Ni aja igbo kee" (is the voice of the wolf - Yoruba word) Someone among them replied Sola. Tade stood afraid. He wanted to cry and then beg that these people to leave him. "Oh my fresh nigga" a blackly dressed T-baba said and smile. "T-baba please" Tade pleaded as tears flows down from his eyes. He has read it, he has been told that cultism is an ugly thing that no person with hopes of a good future must involve in and here is he kneeling down in front of his course mate as a recruit.

"Tade I am trying to protect you, I love you like a brother will" T-baba said. "I want to go" Tade pleaded. Who started Cultism in Nigeria institutions? The popular saying is, Wole Soyinka and his friends started it, but see, what they did is now a web that is enslaving youths of this era.

This cultism has wasted so many lives because of all their secret motives, but is it Wole Soyinka's fault? This was the question that was parading Tade's mind as he was made to kneel in between the members and then incisors were made on his body, made to recite the sacred words then they started marching around a burning fire.

That day four dudes lost their life because of error in cutting part of their body. The bodies were later dumped in a nearby stream while unknown to their parents, who are probably somewhere around Africa working or praying for their child become to successful. What a funny yet ironical world.


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