Wait! Let me ask you some questions, Can you eat your cake and still have it? Can you build a mansion without buying a land? Can you get married without asking a girl out? Can you die without living?

These and more should be the questions that should parade your mind when you're being coward to the situations of life. Being a coward would never allow you take risk, and a life without risk would never bring success. Ask Successefull men around you and they'd gladly share their story of success with you. How they took numerous risks before they could attain the position they are in at present, so why should you be an exemption!

Learn to approach situations no matter what the risk involved might be. Remember, the higher the risk, the greater the success. This should be what should be motivating you to do risking things. Take Risk!

Risk takers in our present society command others, direct others, make rules, feed the poor and even judge others who aren't taking risk, this is because risk taking is a paramount key to success.

As an African child, risk should be amongst our daily recipe. You know why, because it makes you more bold and develops your courage to face even greater problems, and remember, a life without problem is a useless life, cause such person isn't living for any cause.

Risk, Risk, Risk, the best food for the successful and influential, but above all dear reader, in all risk you might want to take in life, learn to make calculated risk. In the next article about risk taking, the meaning of Calculated Risks and its importance would be thoroughly dealt with. See you making it from now on as you take this afire mentioned points to action dear reader, and I believe Yes You Can! For no one is created to be a failure. Decide your destiny today and take that risk towards the actualization of your dream. Once again, YES YOU CAN!


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