This village, somewhere in Africa am I
In a dilemma either to cry,
Cry unto my uncle for help or smile,
Smile at death.

Should I smile at death
And embrace his outstretched arms?
Or I cry for help,
Help serving as soothing balms.

To die is easier than to cry;
So I thought,
For time would take to cry,
But death stings with zero effort.

Father is dead, Mother is away,
Brother is lame, sister's faraway,
I am sick, too sick to travel,
Travel to the city for help.

Death is by the door,
Not too far to call,
So why aid my sore
Trying to cry for help.

This state I was
Deciding to die,
But there came a weapon
Aiding my cry.

This weapon called Telecom
Found me where I was,
And with a click my cry was made
To my uncle living faraway.

I die not again
For easy now I connect with people
Faraway or near for help,
All thanks to Telecom.

I am Emmanuel

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