Leader's have fallen!
Fallen during our fight for freedom,
Our quest for power...
Each day are their names painted on the sands of time,
Their legacies rally behind them
Flaunting their glory,
For truly, they fell to favour us, Africans...

Without much ado, let the contest begin!... Ball the of words between OLANIYI OLOLADE and AYOBAMI AYANFEMI... Enjoy!

1) The judges decision takes 70% of the judgement while well wishes and lovers of poetry votes takes 30%.

2) Upon no circumstance must any of the above mentioned poets vote.

3) The contestants are urged to invite friends to Vote for them using the comment section of this post. No rule exempts you from canvassing for votes.

5) Voting lasts for 18 hours from commencement of Duel.

6) Vote using I VOTE POEM 1 or I VOTE POEM 2

7) Results would be uploaded briefly after the closure of votes.

Good luck to the wordlords.. LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!

(In memory of Africa past warriors (leaders))



This poem is dark, 
Bitter and sour like the sombre song we sang
When the pillars of our house broke into pieces, 
And the walls of our city crumbled like the walls of Jericho. 

This poem is dark 
Like the rough music we sang
When the back bones of our village
Broke into fragments of absence.

This poem is dark
Like the hot tears that streamed down our cheeks, 
When our brothers left and never returned, 
Gracing the land of the ghosts. 

This poem was the dark song we sang, 
For men lost in the battle field, 
For heroes who melt into history, 
For shadows that lingered in our memory.


TITLE; Ashes of our gods
Who will call unto our gods?
Who will call the barking dogs?
When will they hearken to our call?
Likes of awolowo,azikwe and yar ra dua..
When will they listen to our whistles?

A mighty tree withered the forest
Beside the village of Agu,
The broken pot is against the fire
In the land of Oyo,
The broken bottle pierce through a touch because it is wailing.

Igi araba has fallen in sleep
What a tropical wind
From the desert
Whirling,whittling and shuttling
The door of words.

Faleti the voice holder
Spares no man his ears
Takes away his words
From the home of humanity.

The man of white garment,
Young in age but with grey hair
He chant words for the Yoruba land
Now he speaks with the earthen sand.

Forever you will be remember
In our speech and actions
For the pain burns like ember
In our heart and passions.

Send my greetings to Aresa
Bid me well to your colleagues
In the other realm.

Ayobamiayanfemi @gmail.com
Chosen Star


  1. Let me say. The first poem didn't really explore the theme to my satisfaction. Just a subtle hit at the end of it. It was a good one.
    The second did well in his own way. But why would the names of these heroes be written in lower case?
    It baffles me.
    The vernacular will also make it difficult for readers outside the yoruna culture.
    In all, i reserve my vote.

  2. Poem 1. Both excellent poems

  3. Thanks to all who voted. Voting has closed


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