I thought I loved;
Constantly breaking my heart
Into pieces of thoughts of you -
I thought you lived in them.

I thought I would embrace success;
That treasures would reside in my abode
With riches hanging on my walls.
I thought on gold would I preside.

I thought I would live, tho also to die,
Leaving trails of tears on faces of lads
And women brushing their breasts to the stone - wailing.
I thought I would die but to live again in hearts of lovers.

But life taught me
Never to think of love,
For love itself loves not itself -
That love doesn't exists.

Life taught me,
That success only exist in fallacies.
For one becomes rich only to be poorer
And poor only to be richer than others.

Life taught me to remain silent about death
And embrace her firmly when she beckons.
That I should reside in her bosom wholly with hopes also dead,
For never would I still be remembered come 15 years of dying.

I am Emmanuel

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