Whatever lot accompanies the usurpation of power through violence is definitely one characterized by a state of uncertainty replete with an atmosphere of mad confusion. Ghana's history is not new to this as she has experienced about six military coup d'etat which had left great marks on her political development. At this point, one can be certainly sure it shouldn't be an option anymore amidst the gargantuan stinking level of democratic practices on this side of Africa.

 In the exact words of John Steinbeck "...wars are symptoms of the failures of man as a thinking animal". But from recent political development in Ghana, Deputy General Secretary of the NDC(Koku Anyidoho) suggestion last Tuesday that there will be a subsequent civil coup to topple the presidency, has shown lack of attention to John's words.

 Of course, the professional role of fault finding(a corollary of check and balance) is so much needed in a democratic setting. But to suggest a coup as a means of social revolution connotes the derailment of the opposition from this constructive role. Koku's reference to the coup of 1972 led by Acheampong Ignatius was distasteful, considering the fact that president Kofi Busia( Akuffo Addo's father) was a major victim. The military's justification was base on lack of funding inter alia in relation to the 1971/1972 austerity budget which considered the defense expenditure too large for a small country as Ghana. Needless to say that now is a different kettle of fish.

Achievements such as abolition of excise duty, levies imposed on petroleum, religious institutions and the reduction of National Electrical Scheme Levy from five  percent to three percent. Not forgetting the restoration of Trainee Nurses Allowance scrapped by the previous government as well as the Declaration of the Senior High School, may not be laudible to the NDC which is understandably so.

Opposition's job has never been to make the government of the day look good anywhere in the world. However, it is necessary that this professional role of fault finding remains constructive. All realities were once perceptions, Mr Anyidoho and his likes must be put to check. Akuffo Addo's team gained legitimacy through the people's vote and in that manner should he be removed if found unworthy.

 How so much necessity is given to this consciousness is key in a democratic setting, thereby giving credence to to Karl Marx who posits that "Necessity is blind until it becomes conscious. Freedom is the consciousness of necessity"


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