Leader's have fallen!
Fallen during our fight for freedom,
Our quest for power...
Each day are their names painted on the sands of time,
Their legacies rally behind them
Flaunting their glory,
For truly, they fell to favour us, Africans...

Without much ado, let the contest begin!... Ball the of words between BRENDA MARTHA and MOHAMMED SHAMS-DEEN.. Enjoy!

1) The judges decision takes 70% of the judgement while well wishes and lovers of poetry votes takes 30%.

2) Upon no circumstance must any of the above mentioned poets vote.

3) The contestants are urged to invite friends to Vote for them using the comment section of this post. No rule exempts you from canvassing for votes.

5) Voting lasts for 18 hours from commencement of Duel.

6) Vote using I VOTE POEM 1 or I VOTE POEM 2

7) Results would be uploaded briefly after the closure of votes.

Good luck to the wordlords.. LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!

(In memory of Africa past warriors (leaders))



Out she'd gone to war, 
And promised her momma to come back, 
With medals strung on her neck. 
To her village sweetheart she said, 
"Patience is bitter, but it's fruits are sweet . "
Kissed his bearded cheeks for a goodbye. 
Her commander awaited her, 
With a melancholy face, 
In her heart she knew, 'twas no guarantee, 
For her to come back home in glory, 
To the sweet aromas of her mother's cooking, 
And the pressure she had to get married. 
That didn't bother her as such, 
For she was a soldier, bound to war. 
Forever a patriot, ready to defend her country. 
At the battle ground, the war raged
Bodies of men and women of all races, 
Littered the place, a bloody sight. 
But she didn't back down from the war
Until the day it got too hot, 
And she was brought home by the parade, 
Dressed in her country's flag, shots in the air
To honor her service to the country 
A hero, among other fallen heroes.


TITLE; The Dirge for Immortals

Clouds are thickening in our sore eyes
The still nights steal joy
From hearts worn-out of sweet laughter 

So we are No Longer at Ease
For The Arrow of God has fallen on you
To make Things Fall Apart.

The pains and the sorrow return,
Awoonor, particularly at night
We will grieve again and again
For the memory of you retold

Tears raining on the parched fields
As dry winds culled illustrious leaves:
Death has strangled earth
Who is dying with wit
Of our heroes who has fought 
With swords of work to secure Africa.

Brothers and sisters, they are not gone
They are only resting on their sacred shades
And let's make them
Out of their babies.


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